Celebrate Life!

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Mom Life / Uncategorized

In January, I prayerfully sat down and wrote out my blog post schedule along with monthly topics and outlined writing plans for the year trying to really listen to what I was called to write.  I was excited about 2019 and ready to really lean into my Chicky-Mama blog.  Little did I know that the next three months (especially March) was going to hit me like a ton of bricks. 

What started out to be a pleasant year, has began to be a year of self-discovery and rebuilding.  Relationships I thought were solid enough crumbled beneath my feet, health issues began to reveal themselves, and a few harsh realities came barging (uninvited) through my door.  Not to say that everything this year has been bad – far from it!  My little family has been specifically and abundantly blessed beyond measure but with all the huge life changes – good and bad- being hurled my way, it left me extremely anxious and even moderately depressed – not least of all because my goal of writing and publishing every week had unquestionably been (thus far) a failure. 

So, after a long writing hiatus, my doctors diagnosing me with anxiety/depression, cholesterol issues, and PCOS; my sewage breaking down (Twice. Yuck.); some unexpected work issues; a disappointment in much anticipated travel plans; and just plain old feeling sorry for myself – I begrudgingly opened my planner to see that the subject for the month is “Celebration” and my writing topic for the first day is “Celebrate Life!” exuberantly written in big scrawling letters.  I almost laughed out loud.  But you know what?  I instantly felt much better – almost giddy.   I didn’t know what would be facing me for the last few months, but God did, and that little instruction written by my own hand did wonders to heal the sadness and hurt I had been feeling for the past month.  Although I didn’t choose to have those things happen, and I had little control over my circumstances, I still had a choice of what to do. There was plenty still to celebrate. 

All that to say, “bad things are going to happen”.  There are going to be days where every step feels like you have anchors tied to your feet and every breath feels like a knife in your chest.  There are going to be nights lying awake in a blind panic; terrified of what the next day will bring.  Even still, knowing this, there is a God who knows you and loves you just as you are and right where you are – failures and all.  There is a God who reminds you to celebrate life just so you can find it at the right time before you feel like giving up. 

When bad things happen, we all have a choice.  We can sit in despair, cursing our circumstances and being a thorn in the side of humanity to retaliate for all the wrong in our lives – or we can choose joy and to work our bad circumstances to good. 


Later this week I will be talking about ways for you to celebrate life, so make sure to subscribe by email, to Instagram or follow us on Facebook!


Until Next time and as always, make sure to comment below if you liked this article and would like to see more of this type of content or if you have questions or an idea!  I love reader comments (they make my day!) and make it a point to respond quickly!

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash


  1. Crystal says

    So thankful You can find beauty in the struggles of life 🙏🏻 Your name has been on my window sill for the last month for a reason🙏🏻😘❤️🙏🏻 You are so wonderful-keep finding reasons to celebrate 💞✝️💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jenifer Zink says

    Thank you for being so REAL and transparent! You’ve really helped me tonight….
    It’s so amazing to know that God is in control, and that we are loved by Him with all the struggles and hurdles we cross on a daily basis. 😊❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel Crabtree says

      Aww! Thanks, Jen ❤️. That’s really good for me to hear! It’s scary to put this stuff out there but it makes it worth it to know it helps other people 🥰


  3. Sharon Kerns says

    First time I have read your blog. Actually, it sounds eerily like my life lately in some ways, Hopefully we can help each other in the ups and downs.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jennifer says

    As I read this, I can see you saying it – especially the giddy part. 😉 And I can relate in a couple of ways (such as the clay I haven’t touched since February). We always have a choice to choose joy, even when it’s hard, right?! Way to go, mama. Thanks for the reminder! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel Crabtree says

      Thanks, Jennifer! And yes! My circumstances are not always my fault but my attitude is always my fault, and that’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes :p. I miss you and your babies! (Who aren’t babies anymore 😭)


  5. Angie Robinson says

    Oh Rachel thank you for these words. I look forward to getting to know you better and to read more. You are a blessing.


  6. Pingback: 59 Ways to Celebrate Your Life – Chicky Mama

  7. Hello! This post could not be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this post to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!


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